Human and Animal Systems and Products


Our mission is the perfect support of human and animal health. Our aim is to increase the well-being of patients and users of our products.


We are developing specialized electronics for monitoring important vital data and will be able to use measuring results for pure monitoring up to active biofeedback control.
We are natural science orientated developers with a lot of expertise in


Systems for assisting professional healthcare people like doctors or therapists in their diagnostics and treatments


Measuring and Monitoring internal human physiological processes like electrical potentials, micromovements

Physics & Chemistry

Mechanical measurement of physical parameters, special sensors for relevant chemical processes in the human or animal body and electrochemistry sensors or biochemical markers

Animal Healthcare

Most of our products and developments for humans are as good for animals too - Together with VetMed-Universities, Animal Hospitals and Veterinarian scientists we are working for animals


High level electronics for the use in medical environment with all necessary certificates

Specific medical software

No hardware without embedded and end-user driven software - HASPRO is able to realize both: In future we will do our own app-development

Research & Development

We are using and developing mostly wireless sensors including sensors which are able to measure through clothes or through duvets.

HASPRO has high skilled employees in order to guarantee always highest level of excellence in research and development.

If partners or others are interested to learn much more about their own technology which they are using and to improve it, HASPRO is a perfect partner for

definition of work
development of hard- and software
viability tests
dissemination actions in national and international research projects

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HASPRO is able to play a key-role in European projects but we like to be integrated in small but very nice projects with our local partners, too.

Actual projects:

 VitalScreen (FFG) - vital parameter monitoring

We lead or we coordinate projects like:

Human sector:
BioRadar - healthcare monitoring
INAGING - cancer monitoring

Animal sector:
PolyMon - Monitoring, sensing and additional development of algorithms

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